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Aroma Rice Cooker Reviews And Buying Guide 2020

Without rice cooker, all the type of kitchens remains insufficient for the better cooking of rice. Rice cooking takes much time in its nature as well as there is the danger of burning rice in the cooking without this type of rice cookers, so it's inevitable as it becomes a particular case of consideration for all the users of rice.
The Aroma model is a unique model of the rice cooker, and it is that type of model which is low in price, and it is available in various markets of the USA as it also can be bought through online marketing.
It can get the shape of the best investment as this type of unique model of rice cooker can involve itself in a different kind of digital use, and it is easy to handle, and it also keeps the warmth of rice, and it never burns rice.
Although these are not the much-sophisticated type of rice cookers and they are also a cheap type of rice cookers. Its reviews are available in the market, which is very interesting to look at, and that is why these types of rice cookers have reviewed in the following post.

Aroma rice cooker is a typical boon for a household kitchen as it involves various and multiple blessings. It can cook with a great flavor, and it can also cook the fluffy rice, and it can keep the exact taste of the rice as well as has exceptional contribution in time-saving.
it is that brand which is essential for the best rice cooking, and even the perfect type of rice cooking can be possible through this type of aroma rice cooker. As it involves in itself, a different type of philosophy rise as everybody likes to have a different type of accessories with rice. They include vegetables and various kinds of pasta, so no one is here to love even the burnt or different types of complicated rice.
It is the same as compared to the other brand of rice cooker but It is affordable in its price. Still, it can be used with perfection as it also involves all the functions which are available in the costly type of rice cooker. It can cook rice; it can make fluffy rice. It is made even with the full purpose of serving the guests with the best taste available at best protein available in the grains of rice.


1- Aroma ARC-914-D digital Rice Cooker

It is the model that is available in the market from to 8 cups of uncooked rice, and this type of 2 to 8 cups of uncooked rice is the capacity of this type of rice cooker. It is the type of rice cooker that can maintain in which can handle through different kinds of users, and the user can order in a way that it will perform the function according to the orders given by the cookers. Three different types of functions can handle through the better use of the LED display. The three different types of functions have easily used for white rice cooking brown rice cooking and different type of cereal rice cooking as it involves all the three functions of rice cooking, and these rays properties are full of taste.

Aroma ARC-914-D digital Rice Cooker

It can maintain in a way that its process can also stop, and it also can be used in a way that it can keep it's warm. It also can keep the better taste and flavor of the cooked rice for 15 hours, and this is the greatest boon of this type of rice cooker. It also is perfect for the battery usage for two members of the family 3 members of the family are five members of the family.

2- Aroma ARC-743-1NGB 6 cup style Rice cooker

It is that type of rice cooker which involves itself three uncooked cups of rice, and when they cooked, it gets the shape of 6 cups of cooked rice. This type of rice cooker can also use for various purposes, and it has multidimensional tasks.
It performs some great activities as far as its value and its usages are concerned. It can cook various forms of rice. It can cook white rice, and it can cook brown rice; it can also use for steaming multiple types of vegetables, and it can also give considerable steam to the needs of beef or button.
It has to keep warm feature, and this feature is a typical feature in which the different forms of rice can maintain with its pleasant Aroma and its incredible taste for at least 15 hours and this 15 hours remain sufficient for the services of various delayed guests.
Aroma ARC-743-1NGB 6 cup style Rice cooker

The cooking process can also observe through different forms of LED displays, and all the LED displays have given with varying types of push-button. Through these push-button, every kind of process can be handled and maintained by the requirements and Desires of the cookers.

3- Aroma ARC-150SB Rice Cooker

It is the leading from the front type of rice cooker as it involves 10 uncooked cups of the rice cooker, which can convert into 20 cooked cups of the rice cooker. It consists of a lot of functions, and its features can summarise various points, which are listed below. It performs the multiple functions as it is a typical type of rice cooker which involves slow cooking in its properties. This slow cooking can extend to 10 hours, and this is an ideal function of this type of rice cooker.
It also can perform multi-functions in its cooking, and its cooking range is very much extensive. As it can cook white rice, it can cook brown rice. It can cook different types of cereals, and it can also steam various types of vegetables, and it can also use in various types of meat.
It is also excellent as for as its accessories are concerned as various trays, and various types of rice cups have also added in the gift parcel of this type of rice cooker. So that all the accessories given with this type of rice cooker make it an excellent addition in the development of the modern variety of rice cookers.
Aroma ARC-150SB Rice Cooker

It has another function, and this function is the cleaner function of this type of rice cooker. Its various parts of the rice cooker can split out, and they can clean. I'm over there is also the availability of stainless steel, which makes it easy to wash and dry, and also its sign is never lost.
There is also an excellent addition to this type of rice cooker after the completion of its task. It automatically switches to the keep warm function of the rice cooker after the completion of the job for 15 hours. It can keep warm in the cooked rice.

4- Aroma ARC-900SB Rice Cooker

It is a wonderful steamer, and it is a beautiful rice cooker with 20 cup capacity and with a beautiful hi flamed and a high-pressure type of cookers. It can steam various types of vegetables a various variety of needs in no time, and its heat can also the maximized with a different type of digital technology push buttons.
It is a versatile type of rice cooker in its nature as it can use for different types of purposes, and it can cook it can steam it can roast. It can do many functions in its nature, so that is why it is considered a wonder technology of the modern era.
Its parts can also use in a way that they can supply, and they can part from each of the elements of the rice cooker so they can be watched Android in no time. After drying, it becomes very Shiny as it involves the Stainless type of material in itself.
It has another function in itself as it can stem different types of onions and various types of vegetables. When it stems, it stems so wonderfully that all the variety of vegetables get so much mixed that they make a new amalgamation, and in this way, it becomes an easy task to enjoy the best taste of rice.
Aroma ARC-900SB Rice Cooker

It has a beautiful delaying function in itself as it can delay the cooking show in a way that if the rice puts in its pot in the morning and orders it to cook it in the evening, it cooks according to the orders of the cook. It is the most astonishing factor of this type of rice cooker.

5- Aroma ARC-2000ASB Rice Cooker

If one is hunting for a tremendous outstanding and an excellent type of rice cooker, then this type of rice cooker is the most beautiful astonishing and outstanding rice cooker in itself.
It is also that type of rice cooker which involves itself beautiful tray, and it also involves various cups of rice. It also included spatula in being used for different and multiple natures, and even the cup of this type of rice cooker if lost, and then US standard Cup can also be used according to some measurements.
Aroma ARC-2000ASB Rice Cooker

As for its cooking and steaming are concerned, it can steam various forms of vegetables, and it can also use in various forms of veggies. It is also the best product as Jasmine rice, and basmati rice and brown rice and white rice cooking are concerned it can cook even the soft rice, and it can also cook rice with the best protein available for the users.

Aroma Rice Cookers Features

Although there are slight differences among these types of rice cookers, and among these types of rice cookers, the difference is found based on their size. Based on their method of cooking, yet there are some similar features among these models of rice cookers, which have given below.


As far as its capacity is concerned, its size starts from 2 cups and remains till 8 cups, and there are also rice cookers which can found of 20 cups. They remain sufficient for the cooking of different types of rice, and they can be served to the family and even to the guests visiting the family.

Variety of Cooking Options :

There are various options for cooking available in this type of rice cooker as they involve different kinds of white rice cooking and different type of brown rice cooking. Moreover, there is also a unique feature of cooking of various grains of rice then they are also a lot of serials making abilities in this type of rice cooker. It can use for making a full meal to the family of limited size and nature.

Sensor Technology :

This Technology makes it a note able feature that It makes it note able invention of the modern age. In this type of Technology which have a different kind of temperatures that can maintain. And when different types of heat can maintain, then in this way, this rice cooker makes itself valuable in cooking the other type of rice and grains, so that is why it is called a boon to the family of modern size.

Design and Accessories

it comes with a spatula, and through this particular different type of rice can be handled inside the part of the rice cookers. With the spatula, there is also the availability of air rise cup. Moreover, Everett's record has also given in this way this particular the Rise cup and some other accessories make it a notable product of modern time.
Digital LCD Controls 
Then there are beautiful controls through an LCD. LCD's have displayed in the way the different types of buttons have arranged on that type of display, which can be used for the delaying tactics and for keeping the warmth of the rice cooking, and they also can be used for better control of temperature inside the rice cookers.

A Note about Cup 

The Rice Cup is a notable feature of this type of rice cooker as it involves 2/3 of the USA size of cups, but these cups are also essential as they include the measurement of uncooked rice as 3 uncooked rice cups are equal to 6 cooked cups of rice.
Buying this type of rice cooker is not an easy task as it involves various kinds of functions. Moreover, there is also a problem of size and show to finish this type of problem this type of article has given in which three bestseller rice cookers have reviewed in full details.

How to use your Aroma Rice cooker?

It is an easy task to develop excellent cooking skills in the form of rice cooking through this type of rice cooker.
First of all, it is better to wash the different parts of the rice cooker as it involves different types of hygienic measurements.
Secondly, it is better to put all the types of vegetables that can be used for the cooking of a different kind of rice and according to the taste different types of vegetables have put into the part of the rice cookers.

After the addition, according to the taste of different types of vegetables, it better to wash various forms of rice, and when the rice washed, then it is better to put those rice into the pot. Moreover, after putting rice into the pan, it is better to set the time, and before the setting of the time, it is advisable to add water, which is also of the vital part as for rice cooking is concerned.
It is advisable that if two cups of uncooked rice have put into the pot, then it is better to put four cups of water into the addition, so in this way, rice becomes soft, and the rice becomes fluffy. Still, according to the taste of the cookers, it is also better to put water on the same measurements.


Aroma type of rice cookers is a unique rice cooker that can use for various purposes. As they involve affordability of prices and the affordability of the costs is the most wonderful and outstanding feature of this type of rice cookers, and this is the first comparison among the various multiple nature cookers and Aroma cookers.
The second advantage is that it is that type of rice cooker which can perform all the functions of those types of rice cookers, which are of the exceptionally high price. And that high prices of no value as for as their attributes are concerned, as their attributes and attributes of Aroma rice cooker, are the same.
Thirdly it is that type of rice cooker which involves various forms of Technology. It can also provide a lot of functions of different kinds of rice cooking and different type of steam. Even it can also be used for various forms of vegetable cooking so it can also have delayed functions, and all these functions make it a compatible invention of modern time.
As far as its comparison with other market available cookers are concerned it is a special type of rice cooker which can also perform a different type of functions and make the food, and rice pleasant and tastier even one cannot find the difference of housemaid cooking from the restaurant cooking.
As compared to all other Japanese models of rice cookers, these models are very affordable with the same functions. As they can afford from $30 to $100 and all the models can be purchased with this money, which is so much affordable as far as their value ability and usages are concerned.
My final recommendation if you want to buy an aroma rice cooker than always buy the ARC-150SB model of aroma.